Gerund Phrase


Gerund Phrase

We are going to study gerund phrases in detail; however, it is also a clicking point to bring forward the basic philosophy of a noun. A noun is generally a single word. Similarly, a gerund phrase is just like a noun in the form of a group of words. You can study all about nouns, gerunds, and phrases on our site Study English Page.

What is a gerund phrase?

A phrase that has a gerund and its modifiers or objects is called a gerund phrase. A gerund phrase like a gerund functions as a noun.

  • Informing all the students is my duty.

In this example, we have a gerund and an object. “Informing” is the gerund, and its object is “all the students”.

  • I hate talking too much in a gathering.

The word “talking” is a gerund. Its modifier is “too much in a gathering”.


Gerund phrase with examples is displayed in the picture.

How do gerund phrases act in a sentence?

A Gerund Phrase as a Subject

You can use a gerund phrase like a noun as a subject in a sentence.

  •  Eating healthy food perfects your health.

In this example, the gerund phrase “eating healthy food” is the subject of the verb “perfects”. We can replace the gerund phrase with the noun “bananas”. Bananas perfect your health.

  • Walking briskly is my favorite exercise.

Here, the phrase “walking briskly” acts as the subject of the verb “is”.

A Gerund Phrase as an Object

A gerund phrase can also be used as an object in a sentence. It can be used as a direct object, indirect object, or object of preposition.

As a Direct Object

  • I don’t like talking loudly on a bus.

“Talking loudly on a bus” is the direct object of this sentence. It means that there is something that I don’t like. What is that? That is “talking on a bus”.

As an Indirect Object

  • He gave playing football his precious time.

In this example, we have two objects. The indirect object is “playing football”.

As a Prepositional Object

  • They are worried about saying goodbye to some employees in the meeting.

The gerund phrase “saying goodbye” follows the preposition “about”, so the gerund phrase functions as an object of the preposition. 

 A Gerund Phrase as a Predicate Nominative

A predicate nominative is used after a linking verb and renames the subject in a sentence. A gerund phrase can also act as a predicate nominative.

  • My priority is helping the poor in our village.

“Helping the poor in our village” follows the linking verb “is” and functions as a noun.  

Formation of a Gerund Phrase

A gerund phrase combines a gerund and its objects, modifiers, or both. A gerund is formed by adding the “ing” to the base form of the verb. The next step is to add complements (phrases or objects) and modifiers (adverbs or adjectives). When we combine all these elements, a gerund phrase is formed. Remember that the phrase must be grammatically correct, and its function must be as a noun.

  • Reading storybooks is his hobby.

  1. Gerund = reading
  2. Object = storybooks

  • Walking along the road is dangerous.

  1. Gerund = walking
  2. Modifier = along the road

  • I like walking briskly.

  1. Gerund = walking
  2. Modifier = briskly

 How to Identify a Gerund Phrase?

These are the steps that we take to identify a gerund phrase in a sentence:

  1. Identify any gerund if there is. Remember that the ing form of the verb that functions as a noun is called a gerund.
  2. Identify any object or modifier associated with the gerund. A gerund phrase consists of a gerund associated with objects or modifiers.
  3. Find out the phrase’s function. If its function is as a noun, the phrase is a gerund phrase.
  4. You can also check its agreement with the verb. A gerund phrase takes a singular verb.

Cutting down the trees is dreadful.

  1. Gerund =                          yes (cutting down)
  2. Object or modifier =      yes (trees)
  3. Function =                       as a noun
  4. Verb agreement =          singular

Gerund Phrase Examples

  • Walking along the road is dangerous.
  • Celebrating a death anniversary costs more than one expects.
  • For your fitness, I suggest walking early in the morning.
  • I rejected painting the walls.
  • He told me about closing the project.
  • I like traveling in the evening time.
  • Resizing the pictures may affect the quality.
  • Swimming on the beach became the cause of his death.
  • Fastening seat belts is a sign of safe driving.
  • Reading storybooks is his hobby.

Dangling Gerund Phrase

A gerund phrase that lacks a subject and creates confusion for the reader is called a dangling gerund phrase.

  • By cutting down the trees, our ecosystem is affected.

A technical writer may write this sentence differently. We can make it clear by adding a proper subject.

  • We affect our ecosystem by cutting down the trees.
  • By cutting down the trees, we affect our ecosystem.
  • When we cut down the trees, we affect our ecosystem. 

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