Noun Phrase with Examples


Noun Phrase with Examples

Parts of speech are single words that perform different functions. One of them is a noun. It is a naming word that refers to a person, place, or thing. When we talk about the functions of a noun, it has different functions like as a subject, as an object, etc. 

Definition of Phrase

A phrase is defined as a group of words that does not have a subject and verb. 

Definition of Noun Phrase 

A noun phrase is a phrase that plays a similar role as a noun. 

  • Ali met John.

In this example, the words Ali and John are nouns. Now, we are going to replace the two nouns. 

  • A man standing by the gate met your brother. 

A man standing by the gate is a phrase that functions as a noun; your brother is also a phrase that functions as a noun. 

Noun Phrase with Examples

Examples of Noun Phrases 

  • They are of great value.
  • My favorite color is grey.
  • All the students were playing. 
  • You are a true friend of mine. 
  • I told him an interesting story.
  • We insisted on studying English. 
  • We presented expensive gifts to the winners. 

Parts of a Noun Phrase

A noun phrase has a noun and its modifiers. The modifiers include adjectives, articles, prepositional phrases, and determiners. 


Every noun phrase has a core noun. It is connected with its modifiers.

  • All the children were present there. 

The noun "children" is connected with its modifiers "all and the". When we connect the noun with the modifiers, it will become a noun phrase. 


There are three articles in English. A, an, and the are articles and they are connected to nouns. When an article is used, it becomes a part of a noun phrase. 

  • I need an umbrella. 

In this example, we have the noun phrase "an umbrella". It consists of two things. One is the article “an” and the other is the noun "umbrella".


An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or gives more information about a noun. When it is connected with a noun (being a modifier), it creates a noun phrase. 

  • I have seen many good students. 

The word "good" is an adjective in the above sentence. "Many good students" is the noun phrase.

Prepositional Phrase

A phrase can be started with a preposition. A phrase having a preposition at the beginning is called a prepositional phrase. In this case, we combine a prepositional phrase and a noun to make a noun phrase.

  • Children have seen monsters in the closet. 

The phrase “monsters in the closet” is a noun phrase. The noun "monsters" and the prepositional phrase "in the closet" are combined and the noun phrase “monsters in the closet” has been created. 


It is used for clarification of a noun. It is also combined with the noun it clarifies to form a noun phrase. 

  • All the children were present today. 

The word "all" is a determiner. It is combined with the noun "children" that has formed the noun phrase “all the children”.


A phrase that begins with the ing form of the verb or present participle is called the ing-phrase. When we combine it with a noun, it will become a noun phrase. 

  • The man standing over there guided me well. 

Standing over there and the man has become a noun phrase. 

Relative Clause

When a relative clause is combined with a noun, it will become a noun phrase. 

  • The man we met yesterday impressed me a lot. 

The man and we met yesterday is a noun phrase formed by combining “the man” with “we met yesterday”. 

That Clause

That clause combined with a noun creates a noun phrase. Common nouns are idea, fact, belief, or suggestion. 

  • I got the idea that I would call him earlier.

The idea combined with that clause becomes a noun phrase. 

To Infinitive 

Infinities are also used to create noun phrases. Using to + infinitive after indefinite pronouns and adverbs is very common. 

  • I should do something to pay it back. 

Something and to pay it back is a noun phrase created by adding "to infinitive".

Functions of Noun Phrases 

As a subject

A noun phrase can be used as the subject of a sentence. 

  • All the children sang a song. 

As a Direct Object

A noun phrase can also be used as a direct object. 

  • She cooked rice with meat for us. 

As an Indirect Object 

As a noun can be used as an indirect object; similarly, a noun phrase is also used as an indirect object. 

  • I asked her brother different questions. 

As a Prepositional Object 

We can use a noun phrase as a prepositional object in a sentence. 

  • Diya is searching for a new house. 
  • Ali lives in an old house situated near the mountain. 

As a Complement 

A noun phrase can function as a complement. 

  • Pakistan is famous for its natural beauty. 

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