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Subject Complement     Meaning Complement means something that is added to complete. A subject complement is a thing (grammatical structure) that completes a subject in a sentence. Definition A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking ve…

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Infinitive Phrase   Before discussing the infinitive phrase, it is important to know what a phrase is. Phrase A phrase is a group of words without a subject and verb used as a single part of speech. My brother bought a new car. “My brother” is a group of wor…

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Demonstrative Adjectives   Do you know what adjectives are? It may be out of your mind. Let’s review. Adjectives are words that modify nouns or give more information about nouns. Then, we categorize the words that modify nouns into different types. In this a…

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Possessive Adjectives   Before discussing possessive adjectives, we need to know what adjectives are. We categorize words based on their roles in a sentence called parts of speech. An adjective is a part of speech that is very important in English. In most …

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